Prevent Rx
A Prescription For Prevention
A preventative injury orthopedic evaluation that willdetermine if you have predisposition to injury, an assess current active injures as well as any limitations in range of motion, strength, or postual dysfunctions
Physio Sports Center is a group of licensed orthopedic and sports medicine physical therapists specialize in evaluating individuals and designing custom exercise programs to help the individual maximally achieve their physical goals. Our training implements the philosophy of educating clients and assisting them in achieving a structural balance between strength, power, mobility, and flexibility. In conjunction with proper techniques, our program will allow you to safely obtain your highest level of performance.
Our services include:
​Functional screenings to assess improper biomechanics and osteokinematic malalignments that may predispose an individual to injury.
Individual prescriptive programs to correct structural imbalances of the musculoskeletal system that have been identified during the evaluation.
Sports injury prevention programs for all capabilities, from the weekend warrior to professional athletes.
Compensatory adaptations for individuals with fixed deformities.
Assessment for any active problems that may require medical or therapeutic attention through orthopedic functional screenings.
​Each one-hour orthopedic evaluation includes:
A functional screening of the musculoskeletal system and all joints utilizing special tests to assess posture, joint flexibility/mobility, and overall strength. This total body screening will provide the therapist with vital information on limitations that may be impairing performance.
​A one-hour follow-up session:
This will review any contraindications that will prevent any predisposition to injury
Recommendations of specific exercises tailored to addressing structural imbalances in flexibility, mobility, strength, balance, and posture. This program will enable the client/athlete to progress to a higher level via enhanced performance.
All clients will benefit including those who:
Are post rehabilitation
Have chronic orthopedic issues
Want to prevent injury
Have strength imbalances
Have hit the wall in a training regime
Want performance enhancement